Welcome all and thank you for visiting Hudson Innovative! We appreciate you being here and hope you subscribe to receive updates for all our projects to come.
So what is Hudson Innovative?
Well, we are exactly how we sound. Simply put, we are driven to find innovative solutions to any problem one may have through sustainable and cost effective design. It really is that simple.
We strive to make a difference and to promote change. We want to be more than just a business or a product. We want to start a movement. A following. A cause that people can get behind and drive to success.
How did we start?
Starting out, it was just an idea like anything else, but blossomed into so much more. A simple project to make a difference in the community that turned into a potential business. Now, that "project" is not currently live but will be coming soon once it has been refined. In reality, we are still in the process of "starting" so our origin story is in the making.
Either way, our goal of creating a following is very important to us and the future success of our projects. To change the world, you need to first have people looking to make a difference.
Our Projects
As I mentioned earlier some projects are still in the making and there are always more on the back burner for future exploration, but right now, you can find a BETA pf our first venture into the technology world on the Google Play Store. The app, RAGE: Instant Workout is a fun twist on the classic workout app. Allowing the user to access quick, impromptu workouts at anytime. The open concept of the app is meant to drive users to get creative and think of fun ways to get their exercise on.
More posts will come with some more in-depth information on the app so stay tuned and subscribe for updates!
Rap up
Now that you know a little more about us, we'd love to see you come back and stay informed for new projects to come.
You can find us on:
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/gohudson/
Be sure to subscribe as well and have a great day!